
Pinssar offers the only practical solution to help you work smarter and create a healthier workforce.

Life saving technology in mining

For the first time in an industrial landscape dominated by diesel engines, a real-time decision making tool is available for management to protect workers and progress production.

Protect your production

Protect your production

Pinssar’s diesel emission monitoring system is recognised globally for providing valuable air-quality data and healthier work environments so that you can focus on moving more tonnes safely.

The data provided from the Pinssar system can be used to streamline operational costs by linking your controls with data-driven decisions.

Reduce disruptions to your production. An informed, confident and healthy workforce is an efficient workforce.

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Protect your people

Protect your people

Pinssar offers the only practical solution for managing your diesel emission risk strategy to reduce exposure to a deadly Group 1 carcinogen.

The Pinssar system creates certainty around emission data to support your social licence and community acceptance as well as supporting the operation’s goal of zero harm.

Demonstrate the importance the company places on employee health and safety. Ensure a healthy workplace, enabling you to be an employer of first choice for skilled workers.

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Protect your reputation

Protect your reputation

Today, governments and workers are increasingly demanding healthier air quality standards in mining workplaces.

The insights provided from the Pinssar system can be used to support the risk owner to understand the level of emission throughout the mine site on a 24/7 basis.

Use the data to communicate positive and proactive health messaging to the workforce and drive continuous improvement whilst complying with company Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL).

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Protect your industry

Protect your industry

Today, Regulators are increasingly challenging mines to provide healthier air quality standards.

The data provided from the Pinssar system will monitor continuously to establish the mines diesel particulate base line. This will enable mines to validate compliance with industry OEL’s or respond to exceedances by adjusting engineering and administering controls.

Support the importance the industry places upon employee health and safety.

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Moving more tonnes safely with real time DPM insights

Moving more tonnes safely with real time DPM insights

A large West Australian gold mine set out to understand the relationship between adding more equipment and the effect on baseline diesel particulate matter (DPM) levels.

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Mine expansion proceeds with new OEL insights

Mine expansion proceeds with new OEL insights

This US mine uncovered new learnings about their baseline DPM levels and insights about their ventilation efficiency which helped future operations.

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Benchmarking DPM levels during a longwall move

Benchmarking DPM levels during a longwall move

A longwall coal mine located in the Bowen Basin in Australia embarked on a project to understand their DPM levels where heavy duty diesel machinery was hard at work.

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Help justify your business case

Pinssar has assisted customers to understand and communicate the value of the solution during the purchasing approval process. If you’d like assistance to fast track approvals and justify budget allocations, just contact us by completing the form below.

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Download our brochure to find out how you too can create a healthier workplace.

Our solution

Pinssar’s solution has been designed to withstand the toughest environments without complex maintenance regimes.